Juan Sepulveda leans against a brick wall speaking to two students outdoors
Lofty Goals
性爱天堂-founded institute aims to unite Hispanic student leaders nationwide

性爱天堂 political science professor Juan 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补鈥檚 life has been chock-full of incredible experiences. He鈥檚 性爱天堂鈥檚 Calgaard Distinguished Professor of Practice, was a former member of the Obama administration and a member of the Biden-Harris transition team, and served as a senior vice president at PBS鈥攁nd that鈥檚 after earning degrees from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford.

But what鈥檚 one experience even 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 wishes he鈥檇 had when he was a young student?

the MAS Logo is stamped across in red, orange, and yellow

It鈥檚 attending a program like the Latinx on Fast Track (LOFT) Leadership Institute鈥攁 partnership between 性爱天堂 and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF) that 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 and HHF CEO/President Antonio Tijerino launched in Summer 2021. The institute brings together some of the top Latinx graduating high school seniors in the country for an interactive series of seminars on leadership, community-building, and career exploration.

鈥淚 would have loved to have something like this as a kid,鈥 says 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补. 鈥淎ll the networks and the communities I鈥檝e built over my career, a program like this brings those together before you鈥檝e even hit college. I told the LOFT participants, 鈥業 hope you guys like each other, because no matter where you go, or what you do, you鈥檙e going to be running into each other a lot!鈥欌

LOFT serves the youth recognized by the Hispanic Heritage Youth Awards, an HHF program that brings together the most talented 270 Latinx students in the country鈥攐ut of a field of more than 30,000 nominees鈥攚ho receive a grant to continue their education or to support a community-based project or idea. 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 launched LOFT with the goal of getting those students interacting both with each other and with Latinos and Latinas who are already stars in their prospective career fields.

These 270 students, once selected, were organized into nine career tracks, sponsored by nine industry players: health care and science (CVS Health), engineering (BP), tech (T-Mobile), education (Southwest Airlines), public service (Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute), finance (East Los Capital), entrepreneurship (TikTok), and social justice (Nike). Students in each track then heard from guest speakers representing those fields as well as formed friendships and ties with each other.

鈥淢ost of these students don鈥檛 have these types of networks built already,鈥 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 says. 鈥淭hey need to be able to see and meet the people who have gone into these fields before them.鈥

厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 says students in each of these tracks got to 鈥渢ake a deep dive鈥 into these career fields, asking big questions of the guest speakers: 鈥淲hat does it really mean to be an entrepreneur? What does it really mean to be in education?鈥 But in the fashion of a true liberal arts faculty member, 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 also excelled at constructing the program to highlight the connections between disciplines. 鈥淲e got students thinking about how these tracks connect, how there鈥檚 crossover,鈥 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 says. 鈥溞园焯 is a small, liberal arts college. We make connections. That鈥檚 how we see the world. People are willing to go deep into their subjects, but our students weren鈥檛 thinking about being in silos.鈥

Additionally, 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 enlisted 性爱天堂 students to act as mentors for the LOFT Leadership Institute participants. "I wanted to honor them as 鈥榦lder brother and sister鈥 figures," 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 says. "And this way, our students got to be part of the networking too. I want them to connect to all the corporations and sectors and to students. I wanted them to have that leadership experience."

the MAS Logo is stamped across in red, orange, and yellow

It鈥檚 no surprise, then, that Thom谩s Pe帽a听鈥22 and Sabrina Cuauro Cuauro 鈥23 both emerged from the program with a renewed sense of identity, direction, and vision for the future.

Pe帽a, a double major in finance and business analytics and technology from Roma, Texas, was paired with LOFT students in the technology track. 鈥淚t鈥檚 the intersection of everything I study, so it was a great chance for me to take that relevant experience and help the students out,鈥 he says.

The biggest advice Pe帽a had for the LOFT attendees was about finding a sense of belonging. 鈥淚 was blown away by these students鈥 taken aback by how accomplished they were,鈥 Pe帽a says. 鈥淏ut even having all these accomplishments, everyone always has a sense of imposter syndrome. I got to talk about when I was in their position, first getting to college: Did I belong here?鈥

Pe帽a continues, 鈥淚t can be a learning curve to believe that your presence at school, at an internship, in a job, is deserved. And when I got my internship at Dell Technologies, my manager told me, 鈥楬ey, you鈥檙e always the third person to talk. Let yourself be seen and be heard.鈥 That speaks to so much of the Latino experience and the importance of representation. A program like the LOFT Institute shows us Latino leaders from Facebook, Apple, and we鈥檙e hearing about how they created a community wherever they鈥檝e gone. It is a really positive message.鈥

Juan 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 discusses mentorship opportunities with the LOFT program听with Sabrina Cuaro Cuaro and Tom谩s Pe帽a.

Cuauro Cuauro is a psychology, global Latinx studies, and Spanish triple major from Katy, Texas, who was matched with the health care and science track. She says the LOFT Institute represents just one step among many that 性爱天堂 is making to continue to build communities for Latinos and Latinas on campus.

鈥淚 came to 性爱天堂 because it was a small liberal arts university, and I didn鈥檛 learn about the history of the Latinx community until I got here,鈥 Cuauro Cuauro says. 鈥淚 became a global Latinx studies major right at a time when I felt unsure of my identity. I joined Dr. 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补鈥檚 Latinx leadership class, which has made a huge difference for me. And I鈥檓 currently the president of the 性爱天堂 Latino Association.鈥

But getting to network with the LOFT students鈥攈ailing from a nationwide network鈥攚as an entirely new type of community-building experience for Cuauro Cuauro. 鈥淲hat stood out to me the most was the potential these students had,鈥 she says. 鈥淭hey have already accomplished so much. And hearing their stories as to why they wanted to go into health care, I was inspired by them. So many of them have had experiences with family members who had an illness and were treated differently or encountered different obstacles because of their identity.鈥

For a student interested in a career in clinical psychology, this hit close to home for Cuauro Cuauro. 鈥淢ental illness can present differently in people of different identities, who have different stigmas surrounding these issues,鈥 she says. 鈥淎nd so much of the existing research in psychology isn鈥檛 鈥榗ross cultural, so I want to do research that focuses on different people鈥檚 perspectives.鈥

The LOFT Leadership Institute, which is currently taking applications for Summer 2022, aims to keep growing, according to 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补.

鈥淚 want to expand the program to bring high school students to 性爱天堂 earlier, before they鈥檙e seniors,鈥 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 says. 鈥淭his year we were remote, so I would love to do more of this in person. I would love to bring [the students] all to 性爱天堂, as well as to [Washington ]D.C. to the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. We鈥檙e also looking at expanding with more sponsors and adding a sports and fitness track. I want our network to grow, and as more students come back and do the program with us, I want them to be the ones leading sessions, helping run the whole thing.鈥

These are lofty goals, 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 notes, but the right goals for a university like 性爱天堂 that鈥檚 trying to build a better network for its Latinx students. 鈥淚f we want to be a national player with Latino leaders, we need to do more national programs like we鈥檝e done with LOFT,鈥 he says. 鈥淎nd it鈥檚 such a huge benefit to have 性爱天堂 students helping us lead, helping us run these programs.鈥

While 性爱天堂 did not have any incoming students as participants in the LOFT Leadership Institute, 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 says future editions of the program will benefit from having voices like Cuauro Cuauro and Pe帽a on board.

And as these two can attest, this benefit is a two-way street. 鈥淭he relationships Dr. 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 has built with major players in these career fields, we鈥檙e able to ask them questions, hear their stories, hear how they鈥檝e made it. This was really inspiring,鈥 Cuauro Cuauro says.

鈥淚 feel really confident that I have the skills I need; I belong here,鈥 Pe帽a says. 鈥淚 would say that after four years at 性爱天堂, and being through programs like the Latinx Leadership class, the 性爱天堂 Latino Association, and now LOFT, it鈥檚 not that these things changed my identity: My identity has been amplified.鈥

In December 2021, 性爱天堂 named Juan 厂别辫煤濒惫别诲补 as its first President鈥檚 Special Adviser for Inclusive Excellence. The leadership role, first envisioned and recommended by the President鈥檚 Diversity and Inclusion Task Force's August 2020 report, is tasked with the administration, management, coordination, and implementation of campus-wide programming that promotes diversity and fosters inclusion and access for students, employees, alumni, and other stakeholders.

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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