Portraits of Mai Vo and David Lonergan
Connecting to Culture
性爱天堂 interns build community with music, storytelling, and archiving at the Carver Center

Mai Vo 鈥22 and David Lonergan 鈥21 are spending their summer helping build, preserve, and rediscover a vital part of San Antonio鈥檚 community.

For more than 75 years, the Carver Community Cultural Center has been a hub for cultural and artistic exchange on San Antonio鈥檚 predominantly Black East Side, hosting artists and performers such as Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, and Louis Armstrong.聽聽

鈥淭his is a beautiful time to be at the Carver Center,鈥 Lonergan says. 鈥淲e鈥檙e at this amazing genesis as an American culture that the Carver Center is right in the middle of, and they鈥檙e providing this new perspective to people who might not understand the history of San Antonio鈥檚 East Side.鈥

Vo and Lonergan are both recipients of 性爱天堂鈥檚 coveted Arts, Letters, and Enterprise (ALE) internships, which match Tigers with humanities and arts backgrounds to area nonprofits. Thanks to the ALE program鈥檚 partnership with USAA, students earn invaluable business experience and are fully paid for their work, while nonprofits get skilled hands for invaluable work that might otherwise be tough to fund.

Mai Vo student intern collage

Vo, for example, is a double major in piano performance and communication with a minor in film studies. She is fromHanoi, Vietnam. Vo eventually wants to be a concert pianist for orchestras and a well-rounded performing musician, and she is interested in a career in the performing arts and nonprofits that support the arts.

鈥淏eing a concert pianist is my dream, but what鈥檚 happening right now [with COVID-19] might threaten that, even in 10 years. So I鈥檓 grateful I can explore different options within the music business,鈥 Vo says. 鈥淚 want to spread my musical voice. I鈥檓 from Vietnam, and there aren鈥檛 that many Vietnamese pianists out there right now, so I want to be able to represent my country in some way.鈥

At the Carver Center, Vo is putting her musical talents to work in multiple ways. She鈥檚 working on two separate children's storytelling series, including 鈥淐arver Story Time鈥 with George Williams Jr., Ph.D., which focuses on telling stories about the Black community and raising awareness through kid-friendly content, and 鈥淐ultural Connections,鈥 which tells stories about race, culture diversity, identity, and sexual orientation with local celebrities and dignitaries.

Vo serves as a music producer for these series, even composing her own originals to accompany the stories read by Williams. 鈥淚鈥檝e gotten to be very creative this summer,鈥 Vo says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a learning experience, because I鈥檝e been playing the piano for a long time, but I鈥檝e learned enough now that I can create music, too.鈥

Lonergan, a Spanish major, is working with the Carver as an archivist to help restore records of famous poets, musicians, and artists that were lost during renovations in the early 2000s. He is also working as a video editor for a project in which local celebrities read books to children over the internet using pre-recorded videos.

In classic liberal arts fashion, Lonergan is picking up a versatile set of skills through learning how to interact with clients, tweaking some graphic design skills, marketing through social media, and diving into video editing. 鈥淭his is all going to tie beautifully into my archiving project,鈥 he says.聽

Recovering this heritage is a process that Lonergan is particularly moved to accomplish.

鈥淚 had no clue the Carver Center was originally a church before it was a branch of the San Antonio Public Library,鈥 Lonergan says. 鈥淚 also had no idea the extent of the famous playwrights, musicians, and artists that came here over the years.鈥

鈥淲e still don鈥檛 know the full extent of all the names that have passed through the Carver,鈥 he continues. 鈥淏ut that鈥檚 the journey of discovery: We want to find these names as a center. That鈥檚 what鈥檚 beautiful and amazing to me about archiving. You could be revealing to the world something that only people who have passed away knew about.鈥

David Lonergan stands with DFW skyline

Both Vo and Lonergan say they鈥檙e thrilled that their ALE internships have connected them to a strong community at the Carver, even at a time of widespread isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

鈥淭hey鈥檙e so open and welcoming at the Carver, and it鈥檚 been a unique experience,鈥 Vo says. 鈥淚 feel a sense of connection to them. We have a wellness event every week where we鈥檙e all cooking the same recipes or exercising. These little things build a community. My employers have been great working with us on what skills we expect to get out of this internship, giving us more tasks that we want to do.鈥

鈥淭his is a small team,鈥 Lonergan says, 鈥渂ut we're so close-knit that there鈥檚 a big sense of community. We meet online, we talk, we plan next steps together. If the sound technician needs help from the stage manager, or the box office manager, we just come together and solve it. It really feels like Mai and I have been accepted into a family in these six weeks we鈥檝e been here.鈥

Vo and Lonergan say this type of community-building experience is exactly the draw of applying for one of 性爱天堂鈥檚 ALE internships.

鈥淚f somebody wanted to follow in my footsteps,鈥 Lonergan says, 鈥淚鈥檇 say go into this type of internship with an open mind, and every expectation removed. The Carver Center has some amazing ideas, and you can be a part of helping them work.鈥

Vo doesn鈥檛 know how her musical future will pan out, but supported by all this creativity at the Carver, she鈥檚 glad that she鈥檚 getting the chance to workshop some new career paths.

鈥淚鈥檓 really lucky to be able to work and use my summer time in a useful way while being away from home,鈥 Vo says. 鈥淚鈥檓 so glad to be doing something that satisfies my curiosity and allows me to explore different career options. Even though I鈥檓 sitting in one place, now I鈥檓 really getting the chance to think about how I can help with my music, anywhere in the arts.鈥

Jeremiah Gerlach is the brand journalist for 性爱天堂 Strategic Communications and Marketing.

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