
性爱天堂鈥檚 Health Care Administration Alumni Network is a valuable part of every student's educational experience and continues to be so long after graduation. With continuous CAHME accreditation since 1968 and nearly 1,800 graduates across the US, our program has one of the largest alumni networks in the nation and a 50-year reputation of excellence.

Where Are Our Alumni

Map of where to find HCAD Alumni

Invested in Student Success

Our alumni are invested in the continued growth of current students, recent graduates, and emerging leaders. Alumni can engage with the program in many ways.听

  • Guidance:听Offer students personal guidance as Senior Advisers or help students explore sectors of the healthcare field.听
  • Insight:听Share insight and knowledge for student projects
  • Guest Lecture:听Serve as guest speakers or host students for a site-visit as part of the weekly Friday Morning Lecture Series which exposes students to the wide variety of healthcare settings and careers they can pursue.
  • Mentor a Resident: Serve as Preceptors for the 12-month Administrative Residency (On-Campus Track)
  • Networking: Provide networking opportunities for ongoing career development
  • Teach a Course:听Teach a course and give students a deeper understanding of the field by sharing your first hand experiences